WHO: World-Renowned Evangelists Reinhard Bonnke and Daniel Kolenda with music by Jesus Culture, led by Chris Quilala and Bryan and Katie Torwalt
WHAT: Reinhard Bonnke Gospel Crusade, Free to the Public
WHEN: March 5th and 6th, 2016 at 6:00 PM
WHERE: Philips Arena, 1 Philips Dr., Atlanta, GA 30303
Contact: Lori Bell, Liberty Resource Group, 918-760-2039, lori@libertyresoucegroup.com
ATLANTA, Feb. 18, 2016 /Christian Newswire/ — Evangelist Reinhard Bonnke, Evangelist Daniel Kolenda, and the ministry, Christ for All Nations (CfaN), are excited to receive thousands of Atlanta guests at the upcoming Gospel Crusade. Attendees can anticipate two nights of powerful messages as well as praise and worship, healing, and thousands making salvation decisions. The Gospel Crusade features performances by the All City Choir and top Christian worship band Jesus Culture, led by Chris Quilala and Bryan and Katie Torwalt.
This live event will begin at 6 PM on Saturday, March 5th and on Sunday, March 6th.
- The crusade is free to attend and open to the public on a first-come, first-served basis.
- Online registration is encouraged, but not mandatory.
- Over 10,000 people have already RSVP’d.
Church leaders are encouraged to contact the ministry early to commit to join together with other churches in bringing the city of Atlanta to Christ. All new persons who receive Christ at the Atlanta Gospel Crusade will be encouraged to plug into a local participating church, so they can be mentored to grow in their walk with the Lord. So far, there are 313 churches that have already committed, as well as over 1,600 volunteers being trained. There are also 516 choir members signed up to participate.
In preparation for the event, a Student Rally will be held on Friday, February 19th, and Evangelism Training will take place on Saturday, February 20th.
For all conference details, visit gospelcrusade.org/atlanta