Contact: Jeremy Burton, Senior Director for University Relations, 918-495-6649,; Carissa Bratschun, Public Relations Specialist, 918-495-7337,; both with Oral Roberts University

JERUSALEM, May 25, 2015 /Christian Newswire/ — The Empowered21 Global Congress concluded with a powerful service of worship, praise, impartation and honoring. The gathering of more than 4,500 delegates from more than 70 countries took place at the Jerusalem Pais Arena where the Congress began last Wednesday.

As part of the service, the first Lifetime Global Impact Awards were presented to five leaders known around the world for their ministry contributions. E21 co-chairs William Wilson and George Wood made the presentations to Reinhard Bonnke, Morris Cerullo, Jack Hayford, Marilyn Hickey, David Maines and Vinson Synan. For more information on the awards, go to

“The Bible instructs us to ‘give honor to whom honor is due.’ It is with great joy that we present awards to these forefathers of the Spirit-empowered movement,” said William M. Wilson, president and global co-chair of Empowered21. “The collective ministries of these giants of the faith have transformed the lives of millions of people. We are deeply thankful for their legacies and invite all of their friends from around the world to join us in Jerusalem to celebrate their contribution to God’s work.”

Bringing messages of inspiration were Anne Christiansen, founder of Jesus Women; Daniel Khong, youth and worship pastor at Faith Community Baptist Church in Singapore; Daniel Kolenda, president and CEO of Christ for All Nations; Samuel Rodriguez, Jr., president of the Hispanic Christian Leadership Conference; Tim Ross, executive pastor of Gateway Church in Dallas; and Esteban Solis, co-pastor of Evangelistic Center Church in Costa Rica.

The service was brought to a close with a special time where every attendee was anointed with oil and given their own bottle of olive oil from the Holy Land. This oil was given to remind them to share God’s power through all the earth.

“This Global Congress was powerful and I believe God met many people in a special way,” Wilson stated following the close of service on Sunday. “We believe that the fresh outpouring of God’s Spirit on us here in Jerusalem will create ripples around the world for advancing the cause of Christ. The best days for the Spirit-empowered movement are still ahead. We can’t and won’t rest until everyone has an opportunity to experience Jesus Christ through the power and presence of the Holy Spirit.”

Wilson announced tonight that the next regional meetings of Empowered21 will be held in London next year and Asia in 2017. Subsequent meetings were announced for Africa in 2018 and Latin America for 2019. The location for the next Global Congress in 2020 is yet to be announced.

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About the Empowered21 Global Congress
The Jerusalem 2015 Global Congress is a call to all believers from around the world to celebrate Pentecost in the land of Pentecost. The event has attracted Spirit-empowered Christians from every continent to Jerusalem to unite in faith for a fresh outpouring of the Holy Spirit.

About Global Congress Partners
Jerusalem 2015 Global Congress Partners include Museum of the Bible, Charisma Media, International Christian Embassy Jerusalem (ICEJ), Trinity Broadcasting Network, Christian Broadcasting Network (CBN), Convoy of Hope, David C Cook, Integrity Music, My Healthy Church, 100 Huntley Street, Bible Lands Museum Jerusalem, Bridges for Peace, Friends of Zion Heritage Center, GEB America, The Hayford Institute, OneHope, Oral Roberts University, Gateway Church, God TV, Jerusalem House of Prayer for All Nations, Voice of the Martyrs, Christ for the Nations Institute, Convoy of Hope, Kings School of Media, Sar-El Tours and Conferences, Aldelano, Evangel University, Christian Friends of Israel Jerusalem, Faithful Central Bible Church, Vision for Israel and the Foursquare Church.

About Empowered21
Empowered21 aims to help shape the future of the global Spirit-empowered movement throughout the world by focusing on crucial issues facing the movement and connecting generations for intergenerational blessing and impartation. Their vision is that every person on earth would have an authentic encounter with Jesus Christ through the power and presence of the Holy Spirit by Pentecost 2033. Get more information at Empowered21 is a Kingdom initiative served by Oral Roberts University,