Faint Not

You can’t usually change today’s harvest by sowing good seeds today, but if you will determine to sow the right seeds day in and day out, in “due season” you […]

Keep Asking

Daniel Kolenda looks at a famous verse in Matthew Ch. 7 to show us an important part of our Christian journey. No matter what is happening in life, “Keep Asking.”

Look at the Birds

If God has revealed His will to you but you are not sure exactly what to do—do something in faith! Let God see that you take His word seriously and […]

Preparation Through Faithfulness

Moses had one of the most important leadership positions in history. He was assigned the challenging task of leading an entire nation—God’s chosen people, no less—across the wilderness to the [...]

What’s In Your Hand?

When God called Moses to deliver the children of Israel out of Egypt, Moses was thoroughly overwhelmed. He began to bombard God with questions, concerns, and objections, but God did […]

David’s Secret

Acts 13:36 tells us that David was one who accomplished God’s will in his own generation. What was David’s secret? Daniel Kolenda gives us the answer.

The Best Part

I know you’re busy today and I’m sure you’re doing a lot of good things, but be careful that you don’t sacrifice the best on the altar of the good. […]

The Key to Holiness

Have you ever noticed that things taste so much better when you’re hungry? But after you’ve eaten and you’re full, you could walk right past a buffet of delicious delicacies […]